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Celebrating cultural differences and advocating for equal access to all opportunities and resources


Morning Flight
George Floyd
WHS Students
WHS Students
Justin Buckner
Kaia Grant
Culture Event
WHS Students
WHS Students
WHS Students


WINDS Wyoming City Council Candidate Forum (Student Moderator)


WINDS Wyoming School Board Candidate Forum (Student Moderator)


WINDS HBCU Virtual College Fair


-Assisted parents and students with 9 community referrals to resources within Hamilton County.


-Quarterly meetings with former Superintendent Dr. Lang. 


-Challenged literary works with racist context for Middle School required reading. 


-Provided employment resources and diverse candidate options for the Wyoming City Schools.


-Supported WINDS Members serving on focus groups for Superintendent selection. 


-Held Community Forum and shared resources for LGBTQ students and citizens. 


-Participates in Community-wide events. 


-Organized Community events and tours of the Underground Railroad Freedom Center. 


-Held Community Forums with community and educators dealing with issues of disparities in education and athletics. 


-Supported WINDS Members serving on committees & Boards within the Wyoming City School District. 


-Supports current diverse school board and council members. 


-Welcomed new parents to the district raising children of color from US and abroad. 


-Advocated on behalf of student participation in AP and Honor Courses.


-Advocated on behalf of students and parents related to disciplinary actions.   


-Provided resources and advocacy for children with disabilities. 


-Attended and reported on School  Board Meetings. 


-Supported BSU at Wyoming High School for all activities and events. 


-Supported AVID with cultural events and college visits to HBCUs. 


-Organized HBCU College Visits. 


-Referred Keynote Speaker for cultural events. 


-Participated in other Wyoming Cultural Collaborative initiatives. 


-Participated with Indian Hills School District Movie Screening of “The Hate U Give”.


-Participated with Indian Hill Parent Equity Group Forum. 


-Organized and supported College Fair event to Underground Railroad Freedom Center. 


-Supported and sponsored multiple Black History Month Celebrations.


-Held Kwanzaa Celebration for members of the community. 


-Coordinated Wyoming Little League Youth  Baseball. 


-Sponsored and participated in the World in Wyoming Cultural Celebrations.


-Sponsor of the WINDS Diversity and Inclusion Community Art Projects.


-Held Family & Community Cookouts. 


-Sponsored food for athletic events. 


-Donated school supplies to families in need. 


-Assisted in the drafting of the WCC document for the Task Force Commission. 

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